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Call for Abstracts


You are invited to attend Queen’s CanPrevent 2015— a student-run conference exploring developments in cancer prevention held at Queen’s University Campus. The purpose of this conference is to promote knowledge exchange and inter-professional collaboration among students and professionals interested in the topic of cancer prevention. This full-day conference will be held on Saturday, November 14th 2015 and will host speakers in a variety of formats (i.e. Keynote, panel discussions, etc).


We are inviting all graduate and undergraduate students, post-doctoral fellows, research project assistants, medical students, clinical residents, and primary investigators to present their relevant findings on primary, secondary, and/or tertiary cancer prevention during our research showcase. Formal research posters, info graphics, and other forms of media submissions are welcome. The research showcase will be a 30-minute session where conference guests are invited to peruse research displays and are encouraged to discuss findings with their respective investigators. Interested applicants must submit an abstract to for consideration. Your application should contain:


  • Title, list of authors, department or where the work was carried out, and supporting agency and/or primary investigator

  • 300-word abstract including objectives, methods, results and conclusions


We hope to see you in attendance on Saturday, November 14th 2015!* 






*Please note that those wishing to attend the full-day conference as a delegate must also register online. 

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